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USS Reliant - NCC-1864 - Ship on which Pavel Chekov serves as first officer. Assigned to Project Genesis and later hijacked by Khan Noonien Singh. Destroyed by Genesis Device detonation.
USS Yangtzee Kiang - NCC-72453 - Hijacked by Bajoran terrorist Tahna Los. Became the first DS9 runabout to be destroyed when it crashed on a moon in the Gamma Quadrant.
USS Exeter - NCC-1672 - All crew lost killed by alien disease except Captain Ronald Tracey who was on the planet surface when the disease struck the crew.
USS Excalibur - NCC-26517 - Part of the tachyon blockade during the Klingon Civil War. Later commanded by Captain Mackenzie Calhoun in Star Trek: New Frontier.
ISS Enterprise - NX-01 - The Mirror Universe version of the NX-01; appeared in the fourth season two-parter, "In a Mirror, Darkly".
USS Sarajevo - NCC-38529 - Lost in the Gamma Quadrant in 2371. Later recovered and served in the Dominion War.
Shields up. I recommend we transfer power to phasers and arm the photon torpedoes. Something strange on the detector circuit. The weapons must have disrupted our communicators. You saw something as tasty as meat, but inorganically materialized out of patterns used by our transporters. Captain, the most elementary and valuable statement in science, the beginning of wisdom, is 'I do not know.' All transporters off.
We're acquainted with the wormhole phenomenon, but this... Is a remarkable piece of bio-electronic engineering by which I see much of the EM spectrum ranging from heat and infrared through radio waves, et cetera, and forgive me if I've said and listened to this a thousand times. This planet's interior heat provides an abundance of geothermal energy. We need to neutralize the homing signal.
These are the voyages of the Starship Enterprise. Its continuing mission, to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no one has gone before. We need to neutralize the homing signal. Each unit has total environmental control, gravity, temperature, atmosphere, light, in a protective field. Sensors show energy readings in your area. We had a forced chamber explosion in the resonator coil. Field strength has increased by 3,000 percent.
Sensors indicate human life forms 30 meters below the planet's surface. Stellar flares are increasing in magnitude and frequency. Set course for Rhomboid Dronegar 006, warp seven. There's no evidence of an advanced communication network. Total guidance system failure, with less than 24 hours' reserve power. Shield effectiveness has been reduced 12 percent. We have covered the area in a spherical pattern which a ship without warp drive could cross in the given time.
Now what are the possibilities of warp drive? Cmdr Riker's nervous system has been invaded by an unknown microorganism. The organisms fuse to the nerve, intertwining at the molecular level. That's why the transporter's biofilters couldn't extract it. The vertex waves show a K-complex corresponding to an REM state. The engineering section's critical. Destruction is imminent. Their robes contain ultritium, highly explosive, virtually undetectable by your transporter.
Run a manual sweep of anomalous airborne or electromagnetic readings. Radiation levels in our atmosphere have increased by 3,000 percent. Electromagnetic and subspace wave fronts approaching synchronization. What is the strength of the ship's deflector shields at maximum output? The wormhole's size and short period would make this a local phenomenon. Do you have sufficient data to compile a holographic simulation?